News and Stories

Early one Thursday morning in September, we sit and chat with Jeff P. and Mike M., who were among the first Ranchers accepted at Rainbow Acres. Jeff is enthusiastic and ...
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When tours or volunteer groups visit Rainbow Acres, one of their favorite stops is the Rainbow Acres Gift Shop. Inside the gift shop, artfully arranged weavings draw the eye, vying ...
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We meet up with Molly in Palmer Community Center at Rainbow Acres during the vibrant lunch hour. Over a plate of chicken and super salad, we chat about what it ...
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June 23, 2022 Dear Friends of Rainbow Acres, The Rainbow Acres Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Prochelo as the new President and Chief Executive Officer ...
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Rainbow Acres is a Place for Music and Musicians! After a two-year hiatus the Ambassador Choir is back to rehearsing and touring! The choir performed for their beloved friends at ...
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